Therapeutic Assessments

From Toddler to Teen

Our Interdisciplinary Team Assesses All Developmental Stages!

Childhood should be full of friends, fun, growth, and learning. Seeing a child fall behind their peers—whether in language, motor skills, social development, or reading—can be disheartening. Often, just trying to understand the source of the problem can be challenging and frustrating for parents.

Parents deserve a place where concerns are met with an understanding ear. Our therapeutic assessment and evaluation process doesn’t end with a written report in the mail; it serves as a beginning. We present the results in an understandable way and take the time to propose practical, individualized interventions which reflect the values and needs of the family.

Our family joins yours in finding solutions for why your child is struggling and offering valuable resources for parents.

Why Does My Child…

If your child is struggling in one of the following areas, they may benefit from our services. Please contact our team today to figure out how the Clubhouse can help your child reach their full potential.


  • Have difficulty understanding others?
  • Struggle with expressing themselves clearly?
  • Have difficulty following directions?
  • Produce speech that is not clear?


  • Tire easily during play, or when sitting or standing for a long period of time?
  • Tend to be clumsy or uncoordinated in walking, play, or sports?
  • Have difficulty holding a pencil, cutting with scissors, or buttoning clothes?
  • Display an unusual gait or posture?


  • Seem overly sensitive to touch (clothing tags, glue, sand, holding hands, pat on the head) or is constantly touching things? (people, smooth or bumpy surfaces)
  • Become overly sensitive to common or unexpected noises? (vacuum cleaner, running water sirens, a sneeze).
  • Seem to be an unusually picky eater, gags easily, or is overly sensitive to smells?
  • Get distracted by background noises or movements, or seems oblivious to the environment?


  • Play alone and have difficulty interacting with peers?
  • Have frequent tantrums at times for no apparent reason?
  • Have difficulty transitioning from one activity to another?
  • Appear anxious, afraid, or depressed?


  • Struggle to read?
  • Have difficulty sounding out new words?
  • Not understand what they have read?


  • Refuse to eat most types of food?
  • Gag on certain textures?
  • Spill most liquids when drinking from a bottle or cup?
  • “Pocket” food in the cheeks before swallowing?
Interested in learning more?

We’d love to answer any questions you have and get you started on your therapy journey! Use our contact form to reach out to us, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Interested in learning more?

We’d love to answer any questions you have and get you started on your therapy journey! Use our contact form to reach out to us, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.