At the Clubhouse, we love sharing our tools for success with parents and caregivers. On this page, you’ll find some free resources that we use for our speech and occupational therapy sessions that we’ve made available for download below so you can keep working, even at home.
Free Resources Developed by Therapists

Download Our Speech Sounds Bingo Card
Are you looking for a fun and interactive way to use your speech therapy exercises at home? Use our free Speech Sounds Bingo card, which has some of the most commonly practiced sounds for children, to play your very own game or incorporate the board into any other exercise!

Download Our ‘Back to School’ Social Story
Is your child nervous about going back to school? Use our ‘Back to School’ social story to help them prepare by going over each step of their new routine. We have provided a pre-made social story and a blank one so you cut out pictures of your child’s actual school, teachers, and items for extra familiarity.