Now accepting Medicaid for ABA Therapy Services!
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OT Therapy Techniques and Interventions
Benefits of Combining ABA and Occupational Therapy for Autistic Children
How do ABA and OT Therapists Coordinate Their Efforts During a Session?
Healthy Habits for a Happy Summer
Is It Time to Explore Pediatric Therapy? Recognizing Signs and Taking Action
4 Simple Fine Motor Skill Activities to Celebrate Halloween
5 Tips for Planning Time After School Effectively
5 Easy Tips to Encourage Your Child to Brush Their Teeth
Proprioception: The Sixth Sense & Activities to Help Regulate
4 OT Approved Summer Activities in Chicagoland
4 OT Approved Board Games for Rainy Days
The Powerful Benefits of Yoga for Children
3 Fun Winter Break Crafts
3 Fun Halloween Sensory Activities
Establishing Healthy Back-To-School Sleep Habits
4 Fun Ways to Improve Pencil Grasp in Kids
Go Green: Using Recyclables in Your Child’s Gross Motor Exercises
Teaching Pre-Writing Strokes
6 Fun Indoor Movement Activities for Rainy April Days
The Amazing Calming Benefits of Massage for Children
3 Easy Games for Improving Executive Function
4 Adorable Winter Crafts for Kids
Simple Holiday Sensory Bins You Can Make In Minutes
Reliable Toys for Learning and Development
What is Hypotonia?
Put the “Fun” in Executive Function